The Fifth Ray

The Second Station of the Fifth Ray and its Matters

بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

First Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "the hand of Sufyan, one of the significant individuals of the âkhirzaman, will be pierced."

1 اللّٰه أعْلَم , a ta’wîl of it is as follows: due to extreme wastefulness for dissipation and trivial amusements, he cannot keep possessions in his hand; they are poured away for waste. It is said in the proverb, "so-and-so has a hole in his hand." That is, he is very wasteful.

Thus, this hadith warns that Sufyan makes people subjected to himself by encouraging wastefulness, arousing intense greed and ambition and holding those weak veins of man. It informs us that the one who wastes becomes his captive and falls into his trap.

Second Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "a fearsome figure of the âkhirzaman will rise in the morning and on his forehead will be written "هذا كافر "2 .

اللّٰه أعلم بالصواب3 , its ta’wîl is as follows: Sufyan will wear the headgear of Europeans and make everyone else wear it. However, since he will generalise it by compulsion and law, that headgear will, InshâAllah, convert to Islam since it will go to sajda. Those who wear it  — only if it is unwillingly — will not be a kâfir.

Third Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "the despotic rulers of the âkhirzaman, especially Dajjal, will have fake Jannahs and Jahannams." الْعِلْمُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ4, a ta’wîl of it is this: it is an indication that the prison and the high school, which are the government offices that are situated opposite and facing each other, the high school will take the form of an ugly imitation of the houri and qilman5 and the prison will take the form of torture and a dungeon.

Fourth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "at the âkhirzaman, no one will remain who will say: Allah! Allah!"

 6 لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ , a ta’wîl of it must be as follows: the takkas7 , the places of dhikr and the madrasas, where the dhikr of “Allah! Allah! Allah!” is recited, will be closed, and a name other than the Name Allah will be used in the shaâ’er, such as the adhan and iqâmah. It does not mean that all mankind will fall into kufr al-mutlaq. Because denying Allah is as far from the mind as denying the universe. The mind cannot accept the occurrence of this denial, even in the majority of people, let alone all of them. The kâfirs do not deny Allah but are in error concerning His attributes.

Another ta’wîl of it is this: the rûhs of the mu’mins will be seized a little previously by the qiyâmah so that they do not see its terror. Qiyâmah will erupt over the heads of the kâfirs.

Fifth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "at the âkhirzaman, certain persons, such as Dajjal, will claim ulûhiyyah and force others to perform sajda before themselves."

8 اللّٰه أعْلَم , a ta’wîl of it is this: just as a nomad commander, who denies the sultân, imagines in himself and in other commanders small rulership proportionate to their rule, in the same way, those individuals, who take the head of Naturalist and Materialist ways, imagine in themselves a sort of rubûbiyyah proportionate to their power. In order to gain more power, they force their subjects to bow their heads before themselves and their statues and make their heads perform rukû’.

Sixth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "the fitnah of the âkhirzaman will be so terrible that no one will restrain his nafs." It is because of this that all ummah have sought refuge with Allah (isti‘âdha) from that fitnah for one thousand three hundred years, on the command of the Prophet (asm). مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الدَّجَّالِ وَ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ آخِرِ الزَّمَانِ9 became the wird of the ummah after seeking refuge from the torments of the grave.

اللّٰه أعلم بالصواب10 , a ta’wîl of it is this: those fitnahs will attract the nafs of people to themselves and infatuate them. People will perpetrate them voluntarily, indeed, with pleasure.

For example, in Russia, men and women bathe naked together in public baths. And since, by fitrah, women have a strong inclination to show off their beauty, they willingly plunge themselves into that fitnah and are led astray. Men, too, who worship beauty in their fitrah, are defeated by their nafs and, with drunken joy, fall into the fire and are burned. By means of attraction, entertainment, kabâir and bid’ahs of that time, such as dance and the theatre, draw those who perform ‘ibâdah to their nafs around them, like moths, and daze them. But if this occurs through absolute compulsion, since the will is invalidated, it will not even be a sin.

Seventh Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "Sufyan will be a great ‘âlim; he will fall into dhalâlah due to ‘ilm, and numerous ‘ulamâ will follow him."

الْعِلْمُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ11 وَ , a ta’wîl of it is this: unlike the other kings, he will obtain a position through his cleverness, science and political knowledge, although they are not the means of sovereignty such as strength and power, tribe and family, or courage and wealth, and he will subjugate the minds of many ‘ulamâ and make them give fatwas to his actions around him through his intelligence. And, he will make numerous teachers his supporters and make an education system stripped of religious instruction a guide and fervently work for its widespread enforcement.

Eighth Matter: The riwâyât point out that the terrible fitnah of Dajjal will occur among Muslims, so all ummah has sought refuge with Allah (isti‘âdha) from it.

لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ 12 , a ta’wîl of it is this: the Dajjal of Muslims is different. In fact, some ahl al-tahqîq said, like Imam 'Ali (ra) said, that the Dajjal of Muslims is Sufyan. He will emerge among the Muslims and carry out his work through deception. The Great Dajjal of the kâfirs is different. For those who do not obey the absolute force and compulsion of the Great Dajjal will be shahîd, and those who obey unwillingly will not be a kâfir and not a sinner even.

Ninth Matter: In the riwâyât, the events of Sufyan and the future events are depicted as occurring around Damascus and in Arabia.

13 اللّٰه أعْلَم , a ta’wîl of it is this: since the centre of the khilâfah was in Iraq, Damascus and Medina in early times, the narrators explained and depicted these events as occurring close to the centre of Islamic government on their own interpretations, as though it was always going to remain thus, and therefore said Aleppo and Damascus. They detailed the succinct news of the hadith through their interpretations.

Tenth Matter: In the riwâyât, the extraordinary power of the individuals of the âkhirzaman was mentioned. 

14 وَ الْعِلْمُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ‌ , its ta’wîl is this: it is an allusion to the greatness of the ma’nawî personality those individuals represent. Just as, at one time, the form of the Japanese Commander-in-Chief, who had defeated Russia, was shown as his one foot in the Pacific Ocean and the other foot in the fort of Port Arthur, so the fearsome greatness of the ma’nawî collective personality was shown in the representative of that personality and in the huge statues of that representative. As for their extraordinary and wondrous power, since most of their works are destruction and related to the desires of the nafs, they appear to have extraordinary power because destruction is easy. One match burns down a village. As for the desires of the nafs, since the nafs of people support them, they spread quickly.

Eleventh Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "at the âkhirzaman, one man will look after forty women."

اللّٰه أعلم بالصواب15 , it has two ta’wîl:

First: Lawful marriage will decrease at that time, or, like in Russia, it will disappear. A man, who flees being tied to one woman and remains footloose, becomes a shepherd to forty unfortunate women.

Its second ta’wîl: It is an allusion that, at that time of fitnah, most men will be killed in wars, and as a consequence of a hikmah, most of the children born will be girls. Perhaps since the independence of women and their total freedom intensely inflame the women’s lust, they will acquire superiority over their men regarding their fitrah. Since it attracts the child’s gender to its mother, girl children will be more numerous through the command of Allah.

Twelfth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "Dajjal's first day is a year, his second day a month, his third day a week, and his fourth day a day."

لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ , it has two ta’wîls:

The First: It is an allusion and an indication that the Great Dajjal will appear in the sphere of the North Pole and in the north because in the region of the North Pole, the whole year is one day and one night. In the summer, the sun will never set for a month in the places he passes if he comes on a day's journey towards the south by train. If he continues a day's journey towards the south by car, the sun is always visible for a week in the places he passes. When I was a prisoner-of-war in Russia, I was close to this region. It means that the hadith miraculously gives the news that the Great Dajjal will attack from the north towards this direction.

Its Second ta’wîl is this: There are three days in the meaning of three periods of despotism of both the Great Dajjal and the Dajjal of Islam. With an extremely elevated balâghat, he (asm) informs his ummah that "on his first day, that is, in his first period of government, he will carry out such large-scale works that cannot be performed in three hundred years. On his second day, that is, in his second period, he will make others carry out such works in one year that cannot be carried out in thirty years. On his third day and period, the changes he will bring about in one year cannot be accomplished in ten years. His fourth day and period will be reduced to ordinary; he will do nothing but work to maintain his position."

Thirteenth Matter: It is in the definite and sahîh riwâyat that "‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm kills the great Dajjal."

16 وَ الْعِلْمُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ‌ , it also has two aspects:

An Aspect of it is this: Only a person with wonders and miracles, who is accepted by the majority, can be the one who will be able to kill that fearsome Dajjal and change his way, who preserves himself through wonders of istidraj such as sihr, hypnosis and spiritualism and compels everyone to obey himself; such a person is Hazrat ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm, who is the prophet of the majority of mankind and most connected with this matter.

The Second Aspect of it is this: It is only the pious followers of ‘Îsâ (as) who will kill the immense statue and ma’nawî collective personality of fearsome materialism and irreligion, which are formed by Dajjal himself, who will be killed by the sword of ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm himself, and it is only the pious followers of Îsâ (as) who will destroy Dajjal’s idea of kufr, which is the denial of ulûhiyyah; by blending the haqiqah of the religion of Christianity with the haqiqah of Islam, those pious followers of ‘Îsâ (as) will scatter his current with that power and kill his current in a ma’nawî manner. The riwâyat "Hazrat ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm will come and perform salâh behind Hazrat Mahdî and follow him." even indicates this alliance, the haqiqah of the Qur'an being followed and its dominance.

Fourteenth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "Dajjal’s most important force is the Jews. Jews follow him with pleasure."

17 اللّٰه أعْلَم , we can say that the ta’wîl of this riwâyât has appeared in part in Russia. Because the Jews, who had been persecuted by every state, gathered in large numbers in Germany. In order to take their revenge, they blew the head of Russia and made Its thousand years of progress burn by making a terrible man named Trotsky, who was a Jew and had an important role in the founding of the Communist committee, took over the leadership of the Russian Army and the government after the famous Lenin, who was also trained by the Jews. They displayed the committee of the Great Dajjal and some of his works. They seriously shook other governments as well and caused upheavals and chaos.

Fifteenth Matter: The gist of Ya’juj and Ma’juj events is mentioned in the Qur'an, and there are some details of them in riwâyât. And as for those details, they are not muhkamât like the gist of them that was mentioned in the Qur'an; rather, they are considered mutashabih to an extent. They require ta’wîl. Indeed, they need to be interpreted since the narrators' interpretations have been mixed in them.

Yes, لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ 18 , a ta’wîl of it is this: it is an indication and allusion that just as, in the past, the Manchurian and Mongol tribes, which in the samâwî tongue of the Qur'an are called "Ya’juj and Ma’juj," together with some other tribes of China, several times caused turmoil and chaos in Asia and Europe, so will they again overturn the world in the future. Even now, significant groups of the anarchists born of communism are from them.

Yes, in the French Revolution, socialism sprang up from the seed of libertarianism and its inculcation. Then, since socialism destroyed certain sacred matters, the ideas it inculcated turned into bolshevism. And since bolshevism, too, corrupts many sacred matters concerning morality, humanity and man’s heart, of course, the seeds that it sowed will produce anarchy, which recognises no restrictions and has no respect for anything. Because mind and intelligence make those people exceedingly fearsome and cruel beasts if respect and compassion are removed from man’s heart; they can no longer be governed through politics. As for the exact place of the idea of anarchism, it will be oppressed, crowded and raiding tribes that are backward in civilisation and rulership. As for the people who fit those conditions, they are the Manchurian, Mongol and some of the Kirghiz tribes, who caused the Great Wall of China to be built, which is forty days' distance length and one of the seven wonders of the world. Ahmad (asm), who made the tafsir of the concise information of the Qur'an about them, miraculously and precisely explained it.

Sixteenth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned concerning ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm killing Dajjal that Dajjal will possess an immense stature, which is extraordinarily large and taller than a minaret; compared with him, Hazrat ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm will be very small.

لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ 19, a ta’wîl of it should be as follows: it is an indication and allusion that quantity of the pious community of mujâhidîn, who recognise ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm by the nûr of îmân and follow him, will be very few and small in proportion to the physical and academic armies of Dajjal that contain both educationists and soldiers.

Seventeenth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "the day Dajjal appears, all the world will hear. He will travel the world in forty days and have a wondrous ass."

20 اللّٰه أعْلَم , on condition such riwâyât being completely sahîh, their ta’wîl is this: they miraculously inform that, in the time of Dajjal, the means of communication and travel will be so advanced that the whole world will hear an event within a day. The radio will shout it out; east and west will hear it, and it will be read in all the newspapers. Ten centuries before they occurred, these riwâyât miraculously informed of the telegraph, telephone, radio, train and aeroplane by saying, “one man will revolve around the whole world in forty days. He will see his seven continents and seventy governments and travel in them.”

Moreover, Dajjal will be heard not with his title of Dajjal but with the title of a despotic king. And his travelling will not be to occupy everywhere but to awaken fitnah and corrupt mankind. As for his mount and ass, it is either a train, one ear and head of which is a fire pit like jahannam, and the other ear of which is adorned and furnished in style like a fake jannah. He sends his enemies to its fiery head and his friends to its feasting head. Or else his mount, ass is an astounding car, or a plane, or... (silence is needed!)

Eighteenth Matter: In the riwâyât, it was mentioned that "If my ummah maintains istiqâmah, there is one remaining day for it." That is, in accordance with the mystery of the âyah 21 فِى يَوْمٍ كَانَ مِقْدَارُهُ اَلْفَ سَنَةٍ , the ummah will have a dominant life in splendour for a thousand years. If the ummah does not maintain istiqâmah, there is half a day remaining for it. That is, it will sustain dominance and victory for only five hundred years.

اللّٰه أعْلَم , this riwâyât does not give the news of the qiyâmah, but of Islam's victorious dominance and the sovereignty of the khilâfah that it exactly occurred as a pure haqiqah and a miracle about the ghayb. The 'Abbasid khilâfah continued for five hundred years because, towards the end of it, its politicians deviated from istiqâmah. But the Ottoman khilâfah came to assist, and they continued the rule for one thousand three hundred years since the whole ummah did not deviate from the istiqâmah. Then, since the Ottoman politicians, too, were unable to maintain the istiqâmah, it could survive for only five hundred years (with the khilâfah). With its demise, the Ottoman khilâfah confirmed the hadith's miraculous information. We cut the discussion short here because this hadith has been discussed in other risales.

Nineteenth Matter: In the riwâyât, there are different informations about Hazrat Mahdî (Radhiyallahu ‘anh), who is from âl al-bayt of the Prophet and one of the signs of the âkhirzaman. Some people of ‘ilm and people of walâyah even judged that he had already appeared.

اللّٰه أعلم بالصواب22 , a ta’wîl of these different riwâyât is this: the Great Mahdî has numerous duties. Just as he performs many duties in the many spheres of the world of politics, the world of religion, the world of sovereignty and the world of jihâd… And, since, at a time of despair, every century is in need of a kind of Mahdî who will strengthen their ma’nawî strength, or of the possibility of a Mahdî coming to assist them at that time, at every age or perhaps every century, a kind of Mahdî has appeared from among âl al-bayt and preserved his forefather's Sharî'ah and revived his Sunnah, through the rahmah of Allah.

For example, the riwâyât differed from each other because those who performed some of the duties of the Great Mahdi, like the Mahdi of 'Abbasid in the world of politics and Ghawth al-Â'dham, Shâh Naqshband, the four Aqtâb and the twelve Imams in the world of religion, also drew the attention of Muhammad ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm in the riwâyât narrated about the Mahdi. For this reason, some of the people of haqiqah said that he had already appeared. Anyway, since this matter has been explained in the Risale-i Nur, we refer it to the Risale-i Nur and here only say this: in the world, there is no mutually supportive family, a united tribe, an enlightened community, or a jamâ’ah that can reach the family, tribe, community and jamâ’ah of âl al-bayt.

Yes, it is reasonable that âl al-bayt, who raised hundreds of sacred heroes, made thousands of ma’nawî commanders the leaders of the ummah and has been nurtured and perfected with the leaven of the haqiqah of the Qur'an, the nûr of îmân and the honour of Islam, at the âkhirzaman, will indeed demonstrate to the world the perfect justice and integrity of the Great Mahdi, their Commander-in-Chief, by reviving, proclaiming and performing the Sharî'ah of Muhammad, the haqiqah of the Furqân and the Sunnah of Ahmad (asm); it is also necessary and essential and a requirement of the principles of the social life of mankind.

Twentieth Matter is the sun rising from the west and dabbah al-ard emerging from the earth.

As for the sun rising from the west, it is an evident sign of the qiyâmah. Its meaning and tafsir are explicit and are in no need of ta’wîl because it is evident and is a samâwî event closing the door of tawbah, which depends on the will of the mind. It can only be said that, اللّٰه أعْلَم , the apparent cause of that event will be this: when the Qur'an, which is the mind of the head of the globe of the earth, gets out of the earth’s head, the earth will go mad, and with the permission of Allah, it will collide its head with another planet, its move will be reversed, and its journey from west to east will be reversed from east to west, through the irâdah of Allah, and the sun will start to rise in the west. Yes, if the power of attraction of the Qur'an, which is the firm rope of Allah23 strongly binding the earth to the sun and the ground to the ‘arsh, is broken, the halter of the earth will be undone, it will become a stray vagabond, and with its reversed and disorderly move, the sun will rise in the west. There is also another ta’wîl of it, which is that qiyâmah will occur at the command of Allah due to that collision.

As for the dabbah al-ard, there is an extremely concise indication and a brief expression made by the language of its being in the Qur'an. As for its details, for now, I do not know with certainty, like other matters. I can only say this much:

 لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ , just as the disaster of locusts and the pest of lice attacked the tribe of Pharaoh and swift birds attacked the tribe of Abraha, who were trying to destroy the Ka'ba, so too, for the hikmah of bringing to their senses those people who, due to the fitnah of Sufyan and Dajjals, knowingly and happily deviate to rebellion and wickedness and, through the anarchy of Ya’juj and Ma’juj, enter into corruption and savagery and fall into irreligion, kufr and denial, an animal will emerge from the earth and attack and destroy them. اللّٰه أعْلَم , the dabbah is a species. Because if it were a huge individual, it could not be everywhere to reach everyone. It means that it will be a terrible species of animal. Perhaps, through the indication of the âyah, 24 اِلاَّ دَابَّةُ اْلاَرْضِ تَاْكُلُ مِنْسَاَتَهُ , that animal will be woodworms, called dabbah al-ard that will gnaw the bones of men like wood and settle in every part of their bodies, from their teeth to their finger-nails. By making the animal speak on the question of îmân, the âyah25 indicates that through the barakah of îmân and their avoiding dissipation and misuse, mu’mins will be saved from it.

رَبَّنَا لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنَا اِنْ نَسِينَا اَوْ اَخْطَاْنَا

سُبْحَانَكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا اِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا اِنَّكَ اَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ

* * *

Three Minor Matters Complementing The Previous Twenty Matters

First Matter: Just as the name al-Masih was given to Hazrat‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm in riwâyât, so was the name al-Masih given to both Dajjals, and in all riwâyât it was said: مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ مِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ26 . What is the hikmah and ta’wîl of it?

The Answer: اللّٰه أعْلَم , the hikmah of it is this: Just as with the command of Allah, ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm repealed some of the heavy responsibilities from the Sharî’ah of Mûsâ ‘Alayhissalâm and made some desirable things like wine halal, so too, by the rule of shaytan and being led astray by him, the Great Dajjal repeals the laws of the Sharî’ah of ‘Îsâ ‘Alayhissalâm, destroys the ties that administer the social life of Christians and prepares the ground for anarchy and Ya’juj and Ma’juj.

And, Sufyan, too, who is the Dajjal of Islam, unties the luminous chains like respect and mercy by working to repeal some of the eternal laws of the Sharî’ah of Muhammad (asm) by using the wiles of shaytan and the nafs, destroying the material and ma’nawî bonds of the life of mankind and freeing the bridles of the rebellious, drunken and stupefied nafs of the people; he gives the opportunity for terrible anarchy by giving compulsory freedom and liberty, which is pure despotism, in order to make people assault each other in the swamp of putrid desires of the nafs; then, such people cannot be subdued other than by the most severe despotism.

The Second Matter: Mentioned in the riwâyât are the wondrous actions and works of the two Dajjals and their extraordinary power and grandeur. It was informed that some unfortunate people even attribute a sort of ulûhiyyah to them. What is the reason for it?

The Answer: وَ الْعِلْمُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ‌ , as for their actions and works being so great and extraordinary, since their actions and works mostly are destruction and urging to the desires of the nafs, they easily perform such extraordinary works that it has been said in one riwâyât: "A single of their days is a year," that is, the works they performed in one year cannot be carried out in three hundred years.

As for their power appearing to be extraordinary, it consists of four aspects and four reasons:

The First: Since, as a result of istidraj, in their despotic and huge rule, the good things and successive advances that occurred through the power of brave armies and a hardworking nation are unjustly attributed to them, it causes the power of thousands of men to be imagined in their persons. But, in haqiqah and according to the rules, the positive good, honour and prize that come into existence through the actions of a community are divided among the community and given to its members. As for the evils, destructions and losses, they are attributed to its leader's failure in his administration and his faults. For example, if a battalion conquers a fortress, the prize and honour belong to their bayonets. While if there are losses due to deficient administration, they belong to their commander.

Thus, entirely contrary to this fundamental principle of haqq and haqiqah, due to positive progress and good things being attributed to those fearsome leaders and negative works and faults being attributed to their unfortunate nation, those individuals, who deserve public hatred, gain public love from the people of ghaflah as a result of istidraj.

The Second Aspect and Reason: Because both Dajjals act through the severest despotism, the greatest tyranny and the maximum violence and terror, they appear to have immense power. Yes, a despotism so extraordinary that, under the veil of laws, they intervene in everyone's consciences, sacred things and matters and even their clothes. I guess that by feeling them before they occurred, at the end of the last century, Turkish libertarians felt this terrible despotism and shot arrows and attacked it. However, they were sorely deceived; they attacked the wrong target and on the wrong front. It is such tyranny and coercion that destroy a hundred villages because of one man and ruin hundreds of innocent people by punishing them and forcing them to migrate.

The Third Aspect and Reason: Both Dajjals will be supposed to possess tremendous power because they won the assistance of a secret committee of Jews, which seeks severe revenge against Islam and Christianity, and the help of another terrible committee, which is under the guise of women's liberation, and the Dajjal of Islam won even the aid of the Mason committees by deceiving them.

Also, it is understood from the extraction of some of the people of walâyah that Dajjal called Sufyan, who will take the head of the Islamic state, will find a prime minister, who is extremely capable, genius and active and does not like ostentation and gives no importance to personal fame and glory; he will also find a Commander-in-Chief, who is extremely brave, forceful, firm and active and does not condescend to fame-seeking; he will subjugate them to himself. Taking advantage of their lacking riyâ, he will attribute their extraordinary and genius works to himself; by means of it, he will make people attribute the revolution and renewal and the successive advances that the large army and state have achieved through the urge of the severe need arising from the upheavals of the First World War to himself; he will make encomiasts publish that he possesses a wondrous and extraordinary power.

The Fourth Aspect and Reason: The Great Dajjal will have compelling qualities, which are a sort of spiritualism. The Dajjal of Islam, too, will have a compelling magnetism in one of his eyes. It was even said in riwâyât that "one eye of Dajjal is blind." By drawing attention to his eye and recording in the hadith that one of the Great Dajjal's eyes is blind and one eye of the other Dajjal is blind in comparison with his other eye, the hadith indicates that since they will be kâfir al-mutlaq, they will have only one eye that will only see this world, and they will have no eyes that can see the consequences and âkhirah.

I saw the Dajjal of Islam in a ma’nawî ‘âlam. I witnessed with my own eyes a compelling magnetism in one of his eyes, and I understood him to be a total denier of Allah. Thus, he will attack the sacred things and matters with boldness and insolence arising from this absolute denial. But the ‘awâm people will suppose it to be extraordinary power and courage because they do not know the truth of the matter.

Also, because such a magnificent, lucky, successful and cunning commander possessing istidraj appears at the time of a heroic and glorious nation being defeated, by their vein of heroism, the nation will applaud and honour him without considering his hidden and terrible true nature and will want to cover up his evils. But it is understood from riwâyât that through the nûr of îmân and the light of the Qur'an in the rûh of the heroic and mujahid army and religious nation will see the truth of the matter and will work to repair that commander's terrible destruction.

The Third Minor Matter: This consists of three strange events.

First event: One time, Ar-Rasûl Al-Akram ‘Alayhissalâtu Wassalâm pointed out to Hazrat 'Umar radhiyallahu ‘anh one child among Jewish children, and said, "Here, his image!" Hazrat 'Umar radhiyallahu ‘anh said, "Then, I shall kill him!" The Prophet (asm) decreed, "If he is Sufyan, the Dajjal of Islam, you cannot kill him. And if he is not, he cannot be killed by killing his material being."

This riwâyât indicates that, at the time of his rule, Sufyan's image will appear on numerous things and he will be born among Jews. It is strange that Hazrat 'Umar radhiyallahu ‘anh, who was angry and hostile towards him to the degree that he could kill a child resembling him, will be the one whom Sufyan will most admire and like and speak of with praise and appreciation.

Second Event: Many people narrated that the Dajjal of Islam will be curious about the meaning of the surah 27 وَ التِّينِ وَ الزَّيْتُونِ and will ask about it. It is strange that the phrase 28 اِنَّ اْلاِنْسَانَ لَيَطْغَى , in the following surah اِقْرَاْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ29, indicates exactly his time and person through the calculation of jafr reckoning and its meaning; it also indicates that he will wickedly aggress against the masjîds and the people who perform the salâh. It means that the man possessing istidraj perceives that a short surah is concerned with him, but makes a mistake and knocks on its neighbour's door.

Third Event: It says in a riwâyât that "the Dajjal of Islam will appear from the Khorasan region." لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ a ta’wîl of it is this: the Turk nation, the bravest, most numerous and powerful tribe of the east and the most heroic army of Islam were around the region of Khorasan at the time of that riwâyât and had not made Anatolia their homeland yet. By mentioning the region they inhabited at that time, the hadith indicates that Sufyanic Dajjal will appear from among them.

It is strange, exceedingly strange, that he will temporarily work for using the Turkish nation and Turkism, which was a diamond sword resembling a flash and a mark of honour in the hand of Islam and the Qur'an for seven hundred years, against some of the shaâ’er of Islam. But he will not be successful and will withdraw. It is understood from the riwâyât that the heroic army will save its reins from his hand.

وَاللّٰهُ اَعْلَمُ بِالصَّوَابِ ٭ لاَ يَعْلَمُ الْغَيْبَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ




1 (Allah knows best.)

2 (This is a kâfir.)

3 (Allah knows best what is right.)

4 (Allah Alone has the knowledge of that.)

5 (youth of Jannah)

6 (None knows the ghayb save Allah)

7 (The gathering places for dhikr or lesson. Especially for the Sufi darwishes.) (Tr.)

8 (Allah knows best.)

9 (From the fitnah of the Dajjal and from the fitnah of the âkhirzaman)

10 (Allah knows best what is right.)

11 (Allah alone has the knowledge of that.)

12 (None knows the ghayb save Allah)

13 (Allah knows best.)

14 (Allah alone has the knowledge of that.)

15 (Allah knows best what is right.)

16 (Allah alone has the knowledge of that.)

17 (Allah knows best.)

18 (None knows the ghayb save Allah)

19 (None knows the ghayb save Allah)

20 (Allah knows best.)

21 (…on a Day whose length is a thousand years by your counting.)

22 (Allah knows best what is right.)

23 ( حَبْلِ ٱللَّهِ : Hablullah, The Qur’an: 3:103) (Tr.)

24 (…except the termites eating away his staff.)

25 (See the Qur’an: 27:82) (Tr.)

26 (…from the fitnah of al-Masih ad-Dajjal... from the fitnah of al-Masih ad-Dajjal)

27 (Surah At-Tîn.) (Tr.)

28 (Indeed, man transgresses all bounds.)

29 (Surah Al-‘Alaq.) (Tr.)

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